ピアノ講師 冨貴 亜里紗

English version

 冨貴 亜里紗 ふうき ありさ

 2013年5月よりリシュモア音楽院 ピアノ講師



 これまでにピアノを(故)藤本爽子・須田真美子・児玉恵子・Cho Sumi ・ Ralf Heiber の各氏に師事。伴奏法を(故)安藤友侯氏に師事。ピアノソロのみならず、伴奏者としても研鑽を積んでいる。


 生徒さん一人一人が、焦らずにじっくりと音楽と向き合って、音楽の魅力を探っていく、そのお手伝いができます事をとても嬉しく思っています。 よろしくお願いいたします。



Alisa Fuuki received her Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Performance from Ferris University in Yokohama where she also finished their Performer’s Diploma course.

She also received Diploma from Prayner Konservatorium in Vienna, Austria.

While she was still a student, she performed in An evening of Concertos, Graduation Concert, Okurayama Memorial Hall 20th Newcomers Recital, and many other concerts. From 2009-2011, she served as an assistant at Ferris University’s Research Center in Vienna, Austria.

Her teachers include late Souko Fujimoto, Mamiko Suda, Keiko Kodama, Cho Sumi, and Ralf Heiber. She also studied piano accompanying from late Tomoyoshi Ando. She is active as a soloist and as a piano accompanist.

●●A Message from the Instructor●●
When you open your ears and find a beautiful music, you will be rapped around with lovely feeling that your heart start to dance. Through our lessons, I am hoping to share those moments with my students. With your own pace, I would like to guide you through the quest of finding the true charm that music possesses.
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