声楽 河村 逸平

English version

 河村逸平 ピアノ伴奏

 2013年3月よりリシュモア音楽院 声楽講師(伴奏)







 IPPEI KAWAMURA piano accompaniment

A graduate of the Waseda University, Mr. Kawamura finished 2nd in the 45th Kyushu Guitar Music Competition, and the 24th GLC Young Artists Guitar Competition.

In 2001, he received rave reviews as he gave concert in Taiwan with Chinese guitarist Meng-Feng Su.

In 2003, he moved to Austria to study guitar furthermore at the National University of Vienna. In 2004, he received the First-degree Diploma from the institution.

As a pianist, he actively concertized as a piano collaborator. In 2006, he served as a staff-pianist and a translator during famed Viennese Sona Ghazarian’s masterclass held in Hungary. On November 2007, he performed a highly received solo recital sponsored by Austrian Modern Music Society.

Currently, he is active as a piano collaborator, Korrepetitor (Repetitor) in Japan. He is also a highly regarded voice-trainer, and has worked with both professional and aspiring musicians alike. In the recent years, he has been in demand as a Operatic, Choral and Periodical conductor, performing many concerts.

He is also known as a researcher specializing on songs with guitar accompaniment from the Biedermeier era, and published some articles on the subject on music magazines. He studied conducting with Yutaka Hoshide.

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